Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Feel in the dumps.

Now, I kind of feel in the dumps for some reasons. By the way, most of English-Japanese dictionary have the expression "be in the blues." But, according to a native speaker of American English, it should be to "have the blues." Besically to "have" means to "be in." But, he told me that to "be in the blues" was weirld. I want to know why.

ちょっと,個人的にここ数日いろいろなことがあってちょっと落ち込んでる.ところで,確か,よく日本の英和辞典には,be in the blues「落ち込んでいる,ブルーである」という熟語が載っていたと思うが,ぼくが実際使ってみると,have the blues と云え,とアメリカ人に云われた.理由はよくわからない.

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