Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Learning English from a Hollywood actress

Scarlett Johansson helped me learn English by skirting around the possibility of a romance.

By the way, what is the difference between "to skirt something" and "to skirt around something"? Could you tell me, Scarlett?

One of the reasons English is difficult to non-native speakers is because a word can be used as more than two parts of speech. Let me tell you example. Nowaday, Japanese young people know bad slang items. For example, they usually know what "bitch" means. But, they don't know what "to bitch" means. So, they don't understand the sentence like this:

Joe is always bitching about his girlfriend.

Today, I just found another good example while I was reading an article on the Internet. Actually, I'm not interested in the gossip about Scarlett Johansson that much, although Johansson is one of my favorite female actors.


Joe is always bitching about his girlfriend.とあれば,「ジョーはいつも彼女のことで文句ばかり云っている」

今日,たまたまそういういい実例を見つけた.ネットサーフィンをしていて,大好きなスカーレット・ヨハンソンの記事を見つけた.だけど,気になったのは英語である.タイトルと記事のようにskirtが動詞と使われている.これは,To avoid talking about something directly(明言することを避ける)という意味.勉強になった.

Scarlett Skirts Romance Rumors, Calls Justin A "Friend"

...However, Johansson has skirted around the possibility of a romance with the sexy singer.


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