ラテン系とよばれる人たちの行動でもっともわからないのはダンスである.友達に連れられて何度かクラブに行ったが,みんな興奮して踊るのをどこか冷めた目で見ていた.周りの人から,Smile! Smile! と何度も云われた.きれいな女の人にほっぺたに両手をあてられて微笑むように促されたときも引きつったような笑いしかできなかった.小さい頃から,フォークダンスも盆踊りも苦手で,逃げ回っていた.ぼくは,ピアノを習っていたのでリズム感がないとかいう話ではない,単に照れ屋で,人前で踊ることが恥ずかしくてできないだけだ.

In Japan, the word "German(ic)" or "Latin" can be used to describe how laid-back you are. "Germanic" people are quiet and stiff. Instead, "Latin" people like to have fun and do not think seriously. I don't know whether this categorization can be used outside Japan (maybe no), but if I follow it, I should belong to "German."
Desite a lot of efforts, I still have difficulty being relaxed for some cases, especially when it comes to dancing. While I lived in the states, I went to a club a couple of times with my friends. But, I haven't had enough fun to forget myself. I remember many people saying to me, "smile!"
Also, I'm too shy to talk to a new person or talk to people first. Sometimes I envy those people who can do this without any difficulty. Let me tell you about a friend of mine.
He is a really "Latin" person. Although most Japanese people are thought to be "shy," but he is not. Anyway, I met him while I lived in Missouri. And he had a thing for a girl working at the library. One day, the girl lost her eyeglasses and she showed up at her workplace without glasses.
The Latin guy said to her, "You look like a princess without your eyeglasses, but you're wearing another pair of eyeglasses in your heart, which I want to take off." It kind of cracked me up, but I believe that I can't say such a thing even after I pass away. The girl seemed to be impressed by his word. So, maybe you can try it if you are a "Latin" person.
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