Monday, March 12, 2007

Is there really no child who's left behind?

In Japan, students rarely have discussion in class.

Some Japanese people simply believe that the US education system is just great without any doubt and that if Japan just changed its education sytem into that in the US, every problem in education would vanish right away. However, in any country, Education sytem has some problems. A blog in the conservative website might give some ideas to such people.

In any country, education is a very important subject.
日本だけでなく,教育はどこの国でも重要な問題である.日本の教育が批判されるたびに,アメリカのそれが引き合いに出されることが多いが,アメリカの教育現場もさまざまな問題をどう処理しようかとまどっていることがわかる.↓は,ある保守的なウェブサイト中のカリフォルニア州の教師のブログからの抜粋である.日本語訳もつけたので読んでいただければわかるが,はっきり云えば,「もう落ちこぼれに構うのはやめよう.できる子どもに予算が行き渡らなくなって,全体のレヴェルが下がるから」ということである.ブッシュ政権化に制定された「どの子も置き去りにしない法(=落ちこぼれ防止法案,No Child Left Behind Act)」によって新たに生じた問題も多い.この記事自体には書かれていないが,この引用の最後に,学校側が何を行なうかというと,標準テストの進歩度を達成するために,スコアに達しそうもない生徒を中途退学に追い込むのである.これは,『現代アメリカのキーワード』(中公新書)にも書いてある.
It is very important to help underperforming students, but...

Quote from a blog of

“Students learn and achieve more”
This should be the primary goal of education in general and teachers specifically. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that today students are achieving less. Some students do not master even the most basic skills after many years in the classroom. The current trend is to make sure that all students can pass the same test at a level called “proficient.” Making sure that everyone passes a standardized test at this level of proficiency requires that the level considered proficient be very, very low. Furthermore, most of the limited available resources (teachers, money, electives) must then be focused on bringing the lowest students up to proficient. This draws resources away from students already proficient and in search of excellence beyond proficiency. Remedial courses using titles like “review” and “prep”are filled with underperforming students who have been removed from their electives. Some experts believe that this is not the best practice, that students need a reason to come to school beyond the three “r's,” but practical administrators and superintendents are making the changes that they feel are necessary to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act, and those changes are seeing test scores improve.

Japanese translation by OUTRAGEOUS2007:

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