Monday, March 05, 2007

How should we keep freedom of speech and personal property at the same time?

You may have noticed that I changed the bottom part of this blog site today. I changed "All rights reserved" into "Some rights reserved." This change comes from what I think about copy rights now.

I belive that people who have created any original works must be respected and that it is not nice to steal other people's idea as if you did them originally. However, what if abosolute rights were always given to the first person?

Yes, we might lose some freedom of speech! What if a politician prohibited any journalist to quote his/her remarks to criticize? You don't want to live in an Orwellian society, right?

So, what is the solution? It's a difficult question. So far, I think that as long as you show clear citing sources, you can quote other people's works to support your idea or to criticize them.

It is sad to see ugly fights for copy rights that are overly exaaggerated. I hope that we will have new rules about copy rights that please anybody.

Shinichi Mori a Enka (corresponds to country music in the US) singer upset Yasunori Kawauchi, a songwriter. Mori sang differently than Kawauchi wrote.

Actually, I know Shinichi Mori because Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, a famous TV personality, often acts as Mori, saying "Good evening, I'm Shinichi Mori."

しかし,最初の人に絶対的な権利が与えられるというのはいかがなものか.たとえば,政治家のある発言を批判するために引用しようと思ったら,そういうのは認めないとその政治家が云ったらどうなるのか.いまのところ,そういうことはないけれど,そうなったら,本当に言論の自由を失うことになるのである.ちなみに,言論の自由が制限された社会をイギリスの小説家ジョージ・オーウェルの『1984』などに描かれた社会にたとえて,Orwellan Society (オーウェリアン・ソサエティー)とか云ったりする.

そういうわけで,このサイトの一番下↓の表示を変えた.英語がわからない人に簡単に説明すると,引用する際には引用箇所をはっきりさせて,ブログタイトルの outrageous かサイトの管理者 OUTRAGEOUS2007 の名前を入れてください.そして,URLをつけてください.たったこれだけのことです.大きなお世話かもしれませんが,ぼくのブログじゃなくて,他のインターネット上の情報を自分のブログ,サイトなどで発表する人にもこの方法をお勧めします.

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