Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Grammar always annoys me!

Whenever somebody asks me about my knowledge of English grammar, I feel bad. I don't think that my grammar is as good as people think. As a matter of fact, I always feel that I have got to study English grammar.

One of the reason I think that way is because I haven't completed any grammar book in my whole life. When I was in high school, I wasn't a good student. I didn't pay attention to what the grammar teacher said. Even when I had to take the entrance examination for college, I wasn't able to complete a grammar workbook. After that, I had to take the TOEFL to study in the US. But the same things happened. I didn't like to do a grammar book.

Of course, I improved my knowledge about English grammar through other kinds of English learnning, such as reading. But, the fact that I haven't completed any workbook or grammar reference book is still making me less confident about English grammar. My knowledge is not organized, or I would say it doesn't cover the whole grammar of the English language.

Probably, I will try to complete one book about English grammar many many times from now on till I die. But, I'm not sure if I can make it.

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