Dear Prudence,
I was married a year and a half ago, after a probably too-brief courtship, to a woman who soon after the wedding was diagnosed as bipolar. I later discovered she had a previous history of mental illness that she had concealed from me. I feel as if I'm living with an emotional terrorist—I never know where or when the next bomb is going to go off. She is now on medication and things have gotten better, but better still isn't good. Intimacy, partnership, and equality are no longer real possibilities. We haven't slept in the same bed for over a year. Yes, we've tried counseling, and no, nothing improved. My wife is also financially irresponsible and routinely bounces checks. I discovered that she had tens of thousands of dollars in defaulted debt. I know that anyone reading this letter is going to say, "It's been less than two years, you were lied to, get out while you're still sane." But I feel tremendously guilty over the idea of abandoning someone who is mentally ill, and who in all likelihood could not survive on her own financially. Yet I also feel that I can't live the rest of my life trapped like this. I just need an impartial voice to tell me that if I end it, I'm not going to be condemned to hell for needing to move on in order to survive. If you're that voice, please speak up now. If you think I'm evading my responsibilities, please let me know.
これはインターネットからぱくってきたものである。赤字にしたのが、なじみがないであろうという表現で、覚えておきたいもの。courtshipというのは「(恋愛関係における)お付き合い」というような意味。diagnoseは「(何か具合の悪いこと・病気などが)見つかる」ということ。ちなみにbipolarという単語は知らなくていい。なにかしらの精神的な病気ということがわかっていれば。あと、intimacyは「親密さ」、irresponsibleは「コントロールできない」ということ、bounceは「バウンドする、させる」というのが第一語義だが、ここではto bounce a checkで「赤字を出す」という意味がある。銀行に十分な残高がないのに、小切手を切る、ということから来たわけです。tremendouslyは「とても、ものすごく」という意味で、日本人はveryしか知らないが、こういう単語も知っておいたほうがいい、ものすごくよく使われるので。ということでじっくり味わって読んでください。で、この相談に対する答えも載せておきます。
Dear Torn,
You're not going to be condemned to hell—you're already there. Bipolar disorder is a terrible illness, though fortunately it can be treated and controlled. But your wife sounds as if she's a long way from stability, if she will ever get there. At the least, she was obligated to disclose her mental and financial history to you. She didn't, so your marriage began in deceit. You say your survival is at stake here, so the question is not staying or going—it's how you go while doing the least damage to a woman you
cared for enough to marry. You should discuss with both a therapist and a lawyer your desire to help her make the transition back to being on her own. And while you're talking to that therapist, try to figure out how you entered into a marriage with a virtual stranger.
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