Friday, February 09, 2007

"Freedom lies with responsibility," what does it mean?

Shinji Miyadai, a sociologist, changining his ideas about freedom.

ところで,「自己責任」を英語で何というのだろうか.ぼくの乏しい英語力ではわからない.ただし,普通の英英辞典にはself responsibilityという言葉は見出し語・複合語(日本語でいう熟語のこと)としては見つからない.ぼくがよく使う欧米の思想辞典にも載っていない.和英辞典にもない.
John Locke and Jeremy Bentham must have contrubuted a lot to the concept of liberty in modern society.


quote from

Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007 2:29 p.m. EST
New York City Considers iPod, Blackberry Ban

New Yorkers who blithely cross the street listening to an iPod or talking on a cell phone could soon face a $100 fine.
New York State Sen. Carl Kruger says three pedestrians in his Brooklyn district have been killed since September upon stepping into traffic while distracted by an electronic device. In one case bystanders screamed "watch out" to no avail.
Kruger says he will introduce legislation on Wednesday to ban the use of gadgets such as Blackberry devices and video games while crossing the street.
"Government has an obligation to protect its citizenry," Kruger said in a telephone interview from Albany, the state capital. "This electronic gadgetry is reaching the point where it's becoming not only endemic but it's creating an atmosphere where we have a major public safety crisis at hand."

Tech-consuming New Yorkers trudge to work on sidewalks and subways like an army of drones, appearing to talk to themselves on wireless devices or swaying to seemingly silent tunes.
"I'm not trying to intrude on that," Kruger said. "But what's happening is when they're tuning into their iPod or Blackberry or cell phone or video game, they're walking into speeding buses and moving automobiles. It's becoming a nationwide problem."
© Reuters 2007.


For over forty years, psychologist Nathaniel Branden has told us about self-esteem and the crucial role it plays in how we experience our lives. Self-esteem is the reputation we have with ourselves — it is what I think of me, not what others think of me — and entails feelings of self-efficacy and self-worth. According to Branden, we strengthen our self-esteem with an unreserved commitment to mental clarity and self-examination, which includes six fundamental practices. He refers to these practices as the "Six Pillars of Self-Esteem," which very briefly are:

1. Living consciously — facing facts, refusing to live life in a fog.
2. Self-acceptance — being willing to experience who we are, even if we don't always like the experience.
3. Self-assertiveness — the ability to stand up for ourselves.
4. Living purposefully — developing self-discipline and working for goals.
5. Integrity — acting according to our deepest beliefs.
6. Self-responsibility — gaining control of our lives by recognizing we are responsible for our choices and actions. [1]

It's this last pillar — self-responsibility — that plays a major role in determining the kind of social system we live in. If we abandon it, we become followers and dependents, turning control of our lives over to others. If we accept it, our biggest need is to be left free so we can create the life we want.








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