Ryoko Hirosue used to be a Japanese idol. 

Hiroshi Abe, one of the greatest actors in Japan
I assume that most of you guys have ever seen the movie "Rising Sun" (1993) based on Michael Crichton's novel. This movie gave your some insight regarding Japanese culture, especially human relationship at a corporation. However, if you think we are as rich as the Japanese people in "Rising Sun," you are totally WRONG. We're not rich anymore. No Japanese company are afforded to buy Rockfeller Center anymore.
Probably, Japan was somewhat rich during '80s. In "Go to the bubble," main characters now will experience time travel and go to the period Japan had an economic bubble. The 80's in Japan is somewhat similar to '70s in the states. So, maybe people who were around 20 yrs old during late '80s in Japan had a happy time like Eric or Kelso.
Hello, Wisconsin!
The movie "Go to the Bubble (バブルへGo!)" will be on soon (See http://www.go-bubble.com/index.html). I know this is not a movie of which you'll find the DVD at a nearby Blockbuster in two years, but you've got to see this movie if you live in Japan. I'm saying this not because I'm a big fan of Hiroshi Abe or Ryoko Hirosue, who are staring in it, but because I want you to know what's really going on in Japan.

Probably, Japan was somewhat rich during '80s. In "Go to the bubble," main characters now will experience time travel and go to the period Japan had an economic bubble. The 80's in Japan is somewhat similar to '70s in the states. So, maybe people who were around 20 yrs old during late '80s in Japan had a happy time like Eric or Kelso.

But, the economic bubble finished in the early 90s, and Japan has been experiencing depression since then. Things have totally changed. Today, I want you to learn a little bit about Japanese litetature as well as movies and Japanese economy. As I stated, things will never be the same. The riches can become the poors, vice versa. "Hojoki," one of Japanese classics describe the transience of the world this way:
Ceaselessly the river flows, and yet the water is never the same, while in the still pools the shifting foam gathers and is gone, never staying for a moment. (A. L. Sadler's translation, 1971)
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