Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thai English

In a way, this American idol may look like an Asian. I don't know much about her, though. I just read the article about this lady who is getting popular not because of her voice but because of her legs. But, the same thing often happens in Japan too, as you know!

Today, it was the first day of the school year at the school I'm working for. In one of my classes, there were students from Thailand. I don't know why, but I have difficulty understanding their accent especially when they are female. Not only their articulation isn't clear but also their English sounds really childish, which affects my comprehensibility.

Is Tata Young, who has got some Thai cultural background, really sexy? But, I don't think that her accent does not sound as childlike as native Thai speakers'.
They tend to put /y/ after a consonant. Then, "please" becomes "pleage," and "No" goes "Nyo."
Since I don't have good listening skillls, I hardly understand what they say. That is the problem. I can't count how many times I have said "Could you said that again?" today.

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