Friday, May 11, 2007

Message for somebody who is not aware

I'm not a person who can appreciate poems good enough. I want to send the two below to somebody, though. As is often the case with life, they may not be read by the person who I want to read.

Far from home across the sea
To foreign parts I go;
When I am gone, O think of me
And I'll remember you.
Remember me when far away,
Whether asleep or awake
Remember me on your wedding day
And send me a piece of your cake.

-- Mother Goose

I'm gonna send it to your heart
It's for everyone close to everyone
Everything is fine.

The city in the morning where the music is overused
Get that radio! 'Cause I always need the groove
It's kind of silly like an American honeymoon
Get on the bike 'Cause I always want the groove

What could I say when you sigh?
What could I do when you life?
What could I say when you are always faraway?

I'm gonna send it to you heart
It's for eveyone close to everyone
Trying to awake your heartaches but they hide
The cut me dead so I sigh, but I send to you anyway
I send one thing simple that is everything's fine

-- Kenji Ozawa

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