Saturday, May 05, 2007

Don't trust the news media.

In Japan, the new media has been appreciating India's growing economy and its education system. However, I believe that the Japanese people need to know the dark side of India's disparate society as well. The media in Japan doesn't tell people the fact that except for urban areas, people even have difficulty having 24 hours electricity.

According to the International Herald Tribune (May 5-6):

"Are these people crazy who keep turning off the light?" he asked, not just angry but inquisitive. Why do grownups keep telling him to do his homework and then shut off the light?
He was told that 8-year olds in Mumbai have 24-hour electricity.
His eyes bulged. He looked like a child stripped of Santa Claus fantasies. "If they can get the light," he asked, "how come we can't get it?"

Japanese Translation by outrageous2007:

その少年は目を丸くした.サンタクロースの夢から引き剥がされたように見えた. 少年は私に尋ねた.「ムンバイの子たちが電気をつけていいのに,なんでぼくたちはつけちゃいけないの?」



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