Monday, October 08, 2007

Coffee milk crazy

I like coffee. In the United States, most people drink only regular coffee. In Japan, however, people have canned coffee and packed coffee as well as regular coffee. So do I.

She doesn't drink canned coffee in the morning as Keisuke Kuwata does.

I have been having AGF’s Blendy Hikitate (freshly ground) Café au Lait, a plastic bottled one you can easily find at any convenience store. I’ve found some other good ones these days, though. I was fascinated by TOYOBEVERAGE’s KO:HI:KAN Sumibi Baisen (charcoal roast) Blend Coffee and AGF’s Maxim Caffè Latte Premium Taste.

I’m not a big fan of canned coffee. But, my favorite one is DYDO’s American Coffee, whose can is bigger than that of other canned coffee.

"American Coffee" is one of the English phrases Americans coming to Japan will learn in Japan. They feel that coffee most Japanese prefer is a bit too strong.


Anonymous said...

Where can we find the AGF MAXIM coffee mix in the US? or on line?

Unknown said...

What is so great about AGF MAXIM coffee (not a rhetorical question)? My parents bought two small jars of it when they were in Japan. I think they said it was like 6 bucks each. I had some, and it's pretty darn good. But what makes it unique? Why is it so good? Is it high quality, or what?

Unknown said...

PS: the jar looks like this:

On the label it says "Freeze dried coffee" and the weight is 100g.

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